
Bravemotion services are designed in a down to earth manner, which enables a sustainable success. You will discover your own, brave leadership style, succeed as a family owner, and tame your conflicts in a respectful manner. Our services are suitable for a wide range of companies and organizations, some specifically tailor-made for the needs of family businesses. Let’s work together and move forward!

Our services cover three categories:

Lead Bravely

How to find a suitable style to lead? Brave leadership starts with excellent self-awareness. We can help you, e.g., to find your own leadership vision.

Succeed as an Owner

Owning and running a family business is a specific business arena with unique challenges. We help you with the complexities of family relations, business governance and ownership strategies.

Tame Conflicts

Do you find workplace collaboration challenging or are there emerging conflicts? We can pave the way for better collaboration and tame emerging conflicts with the help of tailor-made trainings or through mediation.

Lead Bravely

The better you know yourself, your strengths, and your development areas, the better you are at leading. Finding your own way to lead has become increasingly more important, as the leadership paradigm has changed during recent years. Authoritarian leadership style has retreated while coaching and self-management have gained the leadership arena.

We may be leading strategy, organizational culture, business units or corporations. However, we always need to lead people – either ourselves or others. It is people who succeed or fail creating results, and leadership is the missing piece in this puzzle.

Brave leadership starts with excellent self-awareness, compassion, personal values, and authenticity. It does not require fancy titles, but it does require ability to pause and reflect. We will guide you in that with the help of coaching.

Our services for leadership development include:

  • Enhancing self-awareness
  • Finding personal values and leadership vision
  • Getting started with coaching leadership style
  • Improving team dynamics and collaboration
  • Individual, group, and team coaching
  • Leading organizational culture

Succeed as an Owner

Running a family business is not always so easy as it is an amalgam of subsystems such as family, business, and ownership. Family as a subsystem brings along an array of emotions, aspirations, values, and traditions. The alignment of these among several owners and across generations can generate additional challenges to tackle.

We have understanding, expertise and hands-on experience of this complex context. Our systemic thinking allows us to have a holistic approach to the challenges that are prevailing in any part of a family business system. We head for new ways of reasoning, facilitating changes that are sustainable and have a long-term impact. What should be prioritized if the subsystems present conflicting goals? Does family or business come first at the end of the day? 

We help navigating through conflicts in a restorative manner. We do not provide ready solutions, but do bring along tools, examples, cases and own experience to generate your own insights and solutions. 

We work cross cultures and cross generations and are ready to help you with 

  • The purpose, mission and vision of the complex system and its parts 
  • Owners’ strategy and facilitation of good governance practices
  • Clarification of the roles and responsibilities of owners and other key persons
  • Communication within the system and conflict resolution
  • Individual, group, and team coaching & development
  • Tailored workshops to support ownership and leadership succession

Tame conflicts

Workplace conflicts are inevitable. Fortunately, there are ways to tame them!

We tackle conflicts together by going to the bottom of the causes. The conflicting parties have usually their own versions of the prevailing situation. However, if the versions are not spoken out but left untangled, they usually start attracting non-productive attributes such as assumptions, fixed mindsets, and conflicting behaviors. Unsettled conflicts are expensive and painful, not worth prolonging.

We are not looking for who is right or wrong. Rather, we look for peace and collaboration in an impartial and curious manner. We stay present, listen, and weave the different versions together into a new beginning.

The same bylaws are used in daily collaboration practices, should they need to be improved. The change can only happen when the needs of all parties are sufficiently aligned.

Our services to tame conflicts include:

  • Communications and collaboration trainings
  • Individual, group, and team coaching
  • Work place mediation