There is an interesting report by McKinsey Global institute, also cited by World Economic Forum, where the evolution of different skill sets is analyzed across a time span of 2002-2030.

According to the authors of the report (Mc Kinsey report May 2018) there is a clear shift from activities requiring basic cognitive skills to those requiring higher cognitive skills. The authors continue and argue that skills such as creativity, critical thinking and decisionmaking  as well as complex information processing will be needed more extensively the closer we get to 2030.Also the so called soft skills (although we at Bravemotion call them hard skills,) like communication,  empathy , ability to learn and practice resilience will gain importance in the future.Inevitably we need to develop these skills actively if we are to meet the future requirements placed on us as leaders and as  humans as a whole.

Interestingly enough, there is another Forbes article by Maureen Metcalf (Seven of top leadership skills for 2020, 2017)  where she offers matching development tips.  The present Chair of Nokia, Risto Siilasmaa is about to release his new book on the rise & fall & rise of Nokia and the leadership attached.  It would be interesting to mirror the aforementioned tips against the history of Nokia and reflect on alternative scenarios on the business development. Will be interesting reading indeed once published!

Maureen Metcalf and Laura Kozelouzek (The Importance of Self-Leadership, 2018) mention earned success as something to pay close attention to. Success can cause unnecessary complacency if not treated with humbleness. Therefore we should ensure that we stay aligned with the purpose we are serving, were it personal or business-driven. Don’t let success run into your veins extensively, it can block them.

Being true to your values, your purpose, to things and surroundings that bring you energy enable you to be the best version of yourself. You can trust yourself, you become trustworthy and you become trusted.  People start to follow you and get inspired by you.

One of the tips given was to be a 3600 thinker embracing versatile communities and collaborations. It is imperative to gather broad knowledge, opinions and  ideas from multiple layers both horizontally and vertically. Being authentic to yourself incorporates the ability to feel safe in one’s own  vulnerability and the ability to seek feedback, support and reflection from diverse networks, even the closest and the most demanding ones.

However, the true authenticity as the best version of yourself can only be reached when your feelings, thinking and actions are aligned.  This is the best way to open channels to creativity and intuitive skills.   It is important to pay attention that there is room and resources for this kind of alignment. There appears to be a lot writing around the capacity of brains as a huge processor of data. As the need for complex processing seems only to increase so does the need for regular brain maintenance. Brains need rest, brains need oiling, brains need to be able to organize in order to reorganize and create.

Practising self-leadership and self-reflection enable you to be true and authentic to yourself and thereby to others too.